Don't throw that pump away!
Welcome back to my blog on my prostate cancer post-op journey and discoveries.
In this post, I would like to bring you up to date on my rehab and finding my “new normal”.
It has been 2 years since my “nerve sparing” prostatectomy.
Two Years !!! Where has the time gone?
Well, I sort of know, as Covid took up more than 1 year of that period. But what better thing to do during lockdown than, Penis Rehabilitation!!!!
And after 2 years into my new life, there is progress in Pedro’s world 😊, but nothing like what was promised in the Nerve Sparing Robotic Prostatectomy Sales Brochure.
The Prostatectomy Sales Brochure reminds me of the lyrics in the Rocky Horror Picture Show……”in just 7 days, I can make you a Maaaaan…….”.
Unfortunately, I don’t think that I can take legal action against the prostatectomy robot or its handler (The Urologists) for false advertising. ☹
So, after 2 years of diligent rehabilitation exercises of pulling, tugging, stretching and inserting Pedro into a vacuum flask (aka, a penis pump), Pedro is at a stage that, with the right environment, and a willing partner, Pedro can partially stand to attention and nearly do what he used to do before the operation. You Go Pedro. High fives all round!!
Are Pedro’s penetrative powers as good as the pre-op Pedro?
No. But with some cajoling, some Viagra and a back-flow stopping cock ring, I can nearly achieve now what I used to do with a partner before the op.
Is Pedro hard, firm and throbbing?
No, but it is getting there. I have not given up hope of near full erection restoration.
Do I stop the rehab and pumping?
Tough question. I have definitely reached a new pinnacle in my “New Normal” world but do I stop the rehab of pumping and stretching?
To answer that question, I will share with you a recent discovery or experience that will answer that question, as the answer is not always about Me!
Now, I expect that mainly men read my articles, but I do know that female partners are also enjoying Pedro’s adventures and my new enlightenment may be supportive to others of why the pump should not be discarded to the wardrobe cupboard.
Imagine that you, as a Penis Owner, had the ability to provide two operating modes to your partner, your lover. Or, as the female lover sharing this rehab journey, the possible enjoyment of a man that comes in two sizes of penis.
Imagine that for all of these years that you as a penis owner, similar to myself, have engaged in solo or partnered play sessions with lovers, not knowing that there was more than the one standard operating mode for your penis.
Imagine too, as the receiver of said penis, that variation in penis size can exist in your monogamous adventures.
Well in my post-op rehabilitation journey of discoveries, I have found that Pedro can operate in two modes and that is of immense enjoyment to me and my partner.
Now my rehab discoveries are ones that I have found on my own journey, your journey maybe different. You may have been fortunate enough to have had an awesome Prostatectomy Robot and all of your penis erection functionality has returned. Well done for selecting the best Robot Team, I despise you, but well done. 😊
But if you are like me, who for the past 2 years, full of sexual desire and working with a dodgy appendage, my rehab was taking mooooonths to achieve a suitable penetrable erection, so this story may be of interest to you and your partner.
As I mentioned above, Pedro’s powers are returning slowly, enough to enjoy a beautiful, sensual encounter with a lover. With the use of Viagra, a cock ring and yes, some Barry White serenades, the engagements have been a success. Awesome work Pedro 😊.
Now I accept that Pedro may never get his full super powers back, and yes, the recent sensual adventures and the luscious events are arousing and slow. I say “Slow”, as there are no wild shenanigans happening for fear of Pedro falling out or deflating if the sexual aerobics become too energetic.
With such success, I imagine my Robot and Urologist are High Fiving each other!!!
But, there is more to life than a slow sexual session with Barry White in the background, and in my discussions with female friends and partners, they agree.
My lovers, yes my “lovers”, remember I live a life of openness, honesty and non-monogamy, and my lovers confide in me and tell me what they enjoy. They are extremely pleased for me in what I have accomplished with what I had remaining after my surgery. And, they are very impressed with my positive attitude to life, which results in mutual enjoyment of many amazing sensual moments.
But!!! (there is always a ‘but”). They have confided in me that they do enjoy more!!
Prior to the Op, my lovers did enjoy more with me, and if you have an honest connection with your partner, ask her what she misses. Now, if she is a beautiful loving partner, who has shared your post-op journey and knows that a prostatectomy is a blow to a man’s “masculinity”, she will reply empathetically along the lines; “I miss nothing darling, I want you alive, cancer free and what sexual achievements we share, I enjoy”. (Cue Barry White again).
But what if you could give her more? What if you can be soft, sensual and penetrative without the fear of penile deflation, slipping out, fumbling to reinsert and giving up? What if, in your sexual adventures you could have a penis with 2 operating modes?
You can, and without the use of injections. And these are the achievements that I wish to share.
Mode 1 – “Sensual Setting”
- Viagra assisted, 75% erectile functionality with the ability for one shot and hopefully a mutual sensual benefit for both you and your partner.. By "One Shot" I mean, my current rehab status does not allow me to have long duration engorgement, and soon I deflate and slip out.
Mode 2 – “Wild Thing Setting”
– Viagra assisted, fully pumped, 120% erectile functionality with the ability to last longer and achieve more sexual positions and ferocity, more entry and re-entry capabilities and a whole new sexual energy in your partnered play space.
I hear you and your partner say “Give me Mode 2 please, again and again …..”
If you have naturally, or via rehabilitation activities achieved Mode 1, well done. But what if you keep the rehab program going? What if you were able to achieve mutual satisfaction in the sensual mode with your partner and you and her want more?
Well go and find that pump, get it out of the cupboard and reintroduce it back into your pleasure play space.
A benefit of using a pump "after" you have already made your partner smile, is that there is NO PRESSURE to perform. You have already made her happy, and she will be ecstatic when she sees and feels you inserting your pumped penis. It will be harder, larger in diameter and longer. And with the Vacurect restricting ring or similar in place, you will last longer.
What woman could refuse such an offering?
Now, you may think that getting the pump out and doing the whole vacuum thing is a circuit breaker to your sensual proceedings, I can reassure you that if your partner has orgasmed, her post orgasm aftershocks are still tingling through her body. More than enough time to bring out the vacuum device to get to Pedro to Mode 2. But if I feel that getting Pedro pumped to a super Mode 2 standard is taking time, I suggestively hand to my lover a vibrating toy to keep the engine running, so to speak.
I found that with Pedro in Wild Thing Mode, I am able to achieve more energetic, hard, body-quivering thrusts without the fear of falling out and with each strong deep thrust (especially in doggie position) there is a very audible sound of enjoyment from my partner. In this Mode, I can withdraw and reinsert, over and over again, something that was not possible in Mode 1.
So, when I have Pedro in Mode 2 and I hear the cries of “OMG …. Do Not Stop”, I know that I am hitting the right spot for her and she is going to enjoy another orgasm (or more) that is so different to the one usually achieved with Pedro in Mode 1. This ability is so fulfilling for my own sense of achievement which this keeps the dark clouds of masculinity loss away from my life.
To give you some quantitative comparison, the following is a diagrammatic representation of Pedro. No, Pedro is not green, but you will see that there is a significant difference in length and girth from Pedro in Mode 1 compared to the pumped Mode 2.
Pedro's Mode Comparisons

So, if you are considering putting your pump away, thinking that you have achieved a “New
Normal”, consider your partner’s needs and push your own boundaries and hopefully your partner’s too.
I hope that this tip provides you and your partner with a new zest in life and gives you the confidence to realise that you have a penis with 2 mode settings. Enjoy 😊